Sunday 1 June 2008

The Sundering

The Sundering

The Empire of the Warlord Reptos once spanned the length and bredth of six whole continents. Millions of people of many different races and nations paid homage and tribute to the Emperor. In the years after his disappearance that Empire began to break apart as once subject people asserted their independance.

One of those people were the Lokarnos. The Lokarnos are a seafaring people who dwell in vast floating city ships. They transported the great slave armies of the Emperor to new lands and patrolled the coasts of his tributaries. In the days after the Warlords fall they invoked the Sundering, a powerful magical ritual which denied sea travel to all except their floating cities. Any ship leaving sight of land was beset by terrible weather, sea monsters and worse until it sank.

Two years ago the bells in the abandoned temples of Mael, the long forgotten Elder God of the seas began to ring calling men back to the sea. The Sundering was broken and nations, both old and new, have begun to explore the world beyond their own borders. Who broke the ancient spell, why and how are questions yet to be answered.

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