Sunday, 1 June 2008

The Palace

The Shattered Throne

High in the glorious palace there sits a throne which no man can sit on, the palace itself a treasure trove which no thief dares enter despite valuable paintings on the walls and golden goblets neatly stacked on shelves. Since the Centurion King was overthrown by the Cabal, and they assumed power, all those who swore to protect the Kingdom have had no eternal rest. Instead their souls have returned to this beautiful palace to stand guard until the day a rightful Centurion King again brings justice to the land. Of all these tormented souls, who serve beyond death, none is more pained than Yusmida, the Betrayer, former Seneshal and poisoner of his own Lord.

The now Spectre Lord is tied by bounds of the oath that he ignored in life to keep the glorious palace safe, and ready, with his want of mortal material power gradulally turning to a dread of the reality of everlasting undeath. Thus sits in a bustling city of trade and culture, a beautiful palace (don't ask who maintains it), untouched and unspoiled. a place of glorious treasures, and darkest nightmares. Only the most daring thieves or warriors would even think about approaching the palace and none who have attempted to enter have ever returned. The palace of the City of Kings lies empty, but well tended with the throne dusted by spectral hands.

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