Sunday, 1 June 2008

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth of Reptos

Deep beneath the ancient City of Kings lies the sealed Labyrinth of Reptos, some believe it to be a remnant of a long lost civilisation, others it is the work of the mythical mad king Reptos. What lurks within the walls of this maze? Is it still sealed? None truly know as none who have gone looking for it have ever returned. Of course, this could be simply because the Cabal forbids all attempts to locate the Labyrinth lest they discover:

The Sealed Demon

Trapped for all time in the Labyrinth of Reptos by the ancient mystic Utu Kamla the Demon Lord Sopias, Lord of Nightmare, who drove the King Reptos mad with night after night of the darkest visions, sits waiting. Within Sopias's nightmare prison, dreams and reality mix, and now, gradually, things which where thought to be sealed for all time, are starting to seep upwards to the city above....

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