Sunday, 8 June 2008

Blood Tattoos

Blood Tattoos

The Tiefling masters of days past held many slaves in their subterranean palaces. Faced with a choice between sacrifice to their Dark God masters or life as servitors, many humans succumbed to the lash and pledged their lives and afterlives to their new masters. As a mark of their triumph over the pure blooded humans, the Tieflings marked their slaves with tattooes powered by now long lost blood magics. These marks, burned into the flesh, marked not only the mortal body but also the immortal soul. The marks passed from generation to generation, visible only to those empowered by the fiendish. They marked a bloodline of servants, concubines and worse. Nowadays, those that are blood-marked walk freely amongst us and only the Tieflings know their darkest secrets and the oaths that were sworn on their souls.

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