Sunday, 1 June 2008

The Order of Transcendental Inquiry

The Order of Transcendental Inquiry

The Order of Transcendental Inquiry is essentially a 'think tank' that might exist in a pulp sword and sorcery world. It consists of various priests, wizards, sages, mystics and whatever else who want to catalogue and solve the worlds mysteries for their own personal advancement. It's not necessarily benign. It's not necessary malicious. It's not necessarily a strict order, a bit more like a University, just without one big building (or maybe it does?), but certainly with ruthless competition for knowledge.

The members want knowledge of ancient magic, ancient scrolls of history, ancient prophecies that might come true, information on lost races and stuff from monsters that might be useful (a unicorns horn, poison from a rare beast) all for their own nefarious ends. They study this in an attempt to gain power for themselves or over others. The Order of Transcendental Inquiry has power, though it might not be overt, due to the seekers of knowledge being powerful in their own right or being the advisor's to powerful people.

For those who know, it is said if The Order doesn't have the answer give them time and they will find it. As well as the various scholarly interests there is also those who go out and engage in activities on the The Orders behalf at the cutting edge, entering the ancient cities, delving into the lost dungeons, thwarting other efforts and stealing the ancient scrolls from those who have them, possible even other scholars in their ranks. It could almost be anything.

Master Alias (Human Wizard 6)

Name and Homeland

Alias Windstorm, Lokarnos

A sentence or two about where you are from

Alias is a man of Lokarnos descent who arrived in the City of Kings about 6 months ago. He originally hailed from the City Ship Maelstrom which some say was lost in a terrible storm on the night of the breaking of the Sundering. If it's true he doesnt talk about how he survived that night.

Since he arrived in the City he has set about organising a network of agents to gather knowledge, information and ancient lore on behalf of the Order of Transcendental Inquiry. He never stays in the same place for long, constantly dodging agents of the Cabal who might try to seize him. He keeps in contact with his agents by means of magically enchanted notes at a series of dead drops.

A brief physical description

Alias is in his early 40's with short black hair pulled into a topknot and deep green eyes. He is heavy set but running a little to fat and wears deep blue and green robes edged with coiled golden dragons when he isnt disguising his appearance.

A few keywords which describe you

Open, friendly, careful, quick witted

Which people are important to you

His various agents within the City

Two or three things which you strongly believe in

Knowledge is power, it should be kept out of the wrong hands
The Order saved his life, take its secrest to the grave rather than reveal them
A good agent is worth more than their weight in gold, always back them up

Strength 10 (0) Constitution 11 (+0) Dexterity 8 (-1) Intelligence 20 (+5) Wisdom 16 (+3) Charisma 12 (+1)

AC 20 Ref 19 Fortitude 14 Will 19

HP 42 (HSV 10, 7/day)
Initiative +2
Perception 21
Speed 6

Skills: Arcana 13, History 13, Diplomacy 9, Insight 14, Religion 13, Perception 11, Streetwise 9

Class Abilities:

Orb Mastery, Ritual Casting, Spellbook, Cantrips

Feats: Armour Proficiency (Leather), Expanded Spellbook, Skil Training x2, Skill Focus: Insight

At Will Powers:

Thunderweave, Cloud of Daggers, Scorching Burst

Encounter Powers:

Icy Terrain, Colour Spray

Daily Powers:

Sleep*, Flaming Sphere, Freezing Cloud
Bigby's Icy Grasp, Stinking Cloud, Web*

Utility Powers:

Feather Fall, Expeditious Retreat*, Shield
Dimension Door*, Disguise Self, Invisibility


+2 Orb of Inevitable Continuance


Comprehend Languages, Secret Page, Silence, Arcane Lock, Eye of Alarm, Secret Chest, Sending

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