Saturday 12 September 2009

Session 22: In the Coils of the Serpent

Our heroes quest continues and now they find themselves travelling deep into the territory of their enemy. The Heart of Vulcan lies within the realm of the Veni, the dragonborn children of Venemus. The Veni are revilled by many within the dragonborn clans, considered without honour for their talents at spying and assassination and their use of poisons and drugs in their work. That would be enough but their home lies within the southern ambit of the continent of Arkhosia, the heart of the Dragonborn Empire and our heroes have already angered the Emperor on at least one occasion.

Necessity however compels them and the Dream Ship sets it course for the lush and vibrant jungles of the south. Great danger awaits them, both in the City of Pythia, home of the Veni cult and the Children of Panath, outlawed Goddess of the Night. Beyond the City lies the great jungle, a site of many battles between gods and ascendants in ages past. Much immortal blood has been spilled in the swamp and the life which it has spawned is often twisted, dangerous and cruel. Much like the dragonborn they much deal with to find the Heart of Vulcan.

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