Sunday, 27 September 2009
Session 23: In the Coils of the Serpent Part 2
Scene 1: Bumps in the Night
Our heroes have returned to the ship of dreams to recuperate from the battle with the Hydra. Chiniko has emerged from his cabin (the plyer was back for this session) but now Assamber has fallen ill (his player was away). Retiring to their bunks the group achieves some well earned rest. As he sleeps Azhanti finds his soul wandering in the Dreamlands where it is snared by Tamus, High Priestess of Venemus.
She draws him into her realm to speak with him about what he intends to do with the Heart and the spirit of the Dragon God which is trapped within. She seems interested in him, stressing the similarities between them. Both hold high positions in their churches, both hold their gods in contempt and both desire immortality and to shape the future of the Dragonborn. She urges him to bring the Heart to her and together they will deal with the wayward spirit. Waking in a cold sweat Azhanti considers his options. He wants to become Tarock, the clanless warrior who will herald change for his race.
Scene 2: Throwing caution to the wind
Deciding to reject Tamus's offer he seeks his best source of information. He draws out the Heart, imprisons it in a magic circle and tests himself against the spirit of Venemus. It is only as his ritual completes that he understands that his soul is no match for that of the maddened Dragon. As the group burst into the room to try and discover what is happening Venemus slips from his bindings and imprisons Azhanti in the Heart!Azhanti/Venemus reassures the group that all is well but that they must turn away from Bha'al and seek out Tamus. With some grumbling the ship turns and night falls.
Scene 3: The Worm Turns
As they make headway south towards Pythia Artemis is surprised by a figure, human in shape but containing something monstrous within lurking in the rigging. It demands to speak with the ships master. As the group gathers insults are thrown and the creature delivers its message. Sheol, Master of the Cult of Panath would speak with them about the Heart. Azhanti/Venemous proclaims that they should ignore the creature and move on but the group decides otherwise. He is confused by their failure to obey his orders immediately but fortunately for him the Oracle Chiniko is too busy trading insults with the demon to notice his unusual behaviour. The group meet Sheol at an ancient tower not far from where they were, long abandoned and invaded by the jungle.
He brings them an offer, the Emperor will remove the spirit of Venemus and then return the Heart to them. He has forgiven their previous trespasses against him and supports their current goal, to confront Sopias. Sopias is a risk to his ambitions and if others deal with him all the better.
There is some brief discussion but the outcome is clear, the Heart is Azhanti's burden and he must decide. Smiling Azhanti/Venemus rids himself of the soul of the meddlesome priest. Sheol also leaves them with a warning, the gathering of the four Hearts, the soul of Venemous, Vinga's Axe and various other powers is creating a convergenece. Power draws power and immortals are homing in on the group sensing the opportunities presented by a Gods soul being placed at risk. He advises them to make for Bha'als ruined city as it once housed a gate to the Labyrinth and few immortals will dare its precincts. Confidant of being able to deal with such obstacles Azhanti/Venemus sees a chance to revenge himself on his wayward child.
Scene 4: The Gauntlet
Abandoning the ship the group head out on foot to avoid easy detection. They make good time through the swamps but are assailed, the Furies of Vinga demand the return of her axe (they left it on the ship) and Lord Dust, a lich in service to the former Giant Emperor Amaan raises the dead against them. They escape from their pursuers and make it to the edge of the City only finally to fall prey to Ernalda, one time fertility Goddess of this region who was raped and violated by Venemus.
They have accidentally stumbled into her sacred grove and some of her power still lingers here. Fortunately for them they possess silver tongued rogues aplenty. Chiniko charms and flirts with the Goddess, diverting her while Artemis reminds her of the beauty that can still be found in nature. Morn mostly keeps his mouth shut while Azhanti/Venemus melds into the background to avoid being exposed. Soothed by their kind words the Goddess blesses them and allows them on their way.
Entering the ancient ruins they are greeted by Shakir who takes Azhanti/Venemus into the caves leaving the others behind. The secret rites of the Dragonborn are not for the eyes of softskins. The rest of the group bed down for the night but can gain no real rest. As dawn breaks in the east Sheol returns to reveal the deception. Azhanti's soul is trapped in the gem and Venemus is loose. They must reach the ritual chamber, rescue Azhanti, defeat Bha'al and deal with Venemus, a tall order even for heroes such as these!
*cut scene*
In the depths of the caverns of the Lost City Azhanti/Venemus steps onto the podium with his clutch brothers to prepare for the Ritual of the Tarrock. Bha'al shifts uneasily on the damp stone his bulk dwarfing the smaller Dragonborn. "It is time to begin..." he hisses, "Yes, it is" replies Azhanti/Venemus his eyes alighting with green flame.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Session 22: In the Coils of the Serpent
Scene 1: The Dreaming Dark
The opening session finds the group flying over the swamps and jungles of southern Arkhosia hunting the Heart of Vulcan. Unfortunately their tracker, Chiniko, has been forced to take to his bed, overcome by the eldritch energies from primordial conflicts in ages past (his player couldn't make the game). Forced to search for more information they head to the city of Pythia, home of the Veni Priesthood.
As they make their way south their journey is rudely interrupted by a drake riding dragonborn warrior and his allies. He demands that Azhanti hand himself over into his custody, his master Bha'al, wishes to speak with him. There is tension between the two and violence seems a distinct possibility but in an act of surprising diplomacy the group decide to follow along.
They are lead to the sunken ruins of an ancient city deep within the swamp. Azhanti is lead into the depths, the rest of the group left behind but only after some aggresive posturing. In the darkness Azhanti meets Bha'al, a dream dragon of Venemus, creator of the Veni dragonblood. The two talk for some time and Bha'al reveals that he has been watching Azhanti for many years. He believes that he, or one of his clutch brothers, may be the Tarrock, a mythical figure said to herald the end of the Dragonborns way of life. He tells him of Venemus, of his death at the hands of Vinga Goddess of Vengeance and of how his soul hid within the Heart of Vulcan which he guarded. Finally he tells him of the time when the Tarrock will be chosen, in 3 days at which time Azhanti must return to the caves with the Heart of Vulcan and consume the soul of Venemus.
Of course nothing is quite that easy. The Heart is guarded by the Hydra, a terrifying monster spawned from the blood of Vinga and Venemus. Its venom is fatal to any mortal and only the Veni priests posses a means to protect oneself from it.
Resolving to find the elixir the group continue on their way to Pythia.
Scene 2: The Serpents Coils
Choosing tact and discretion the group sail the dream ship up the Serpent River and land at the docks of Pythia. The city is a source of trade between the Veni and the outside world and slaves, drugs and poisons are traded in great abundance. However, access to the City beyond the dock and market place is restricted for the Dragonborn and their invited guests.
Never ones to stand on ceremony the group decide to begin their hunt. Assamber scours the market place to learn of the locations of the exotic ingredients needed to make the elixir, Artemis heads into the Great Temple disguised as a Veni and conceals rune markers which then aid Azhanti in commanding the zephyrs of an afternoon storm to spy on the Temple.
All seems to be going well. The ritual succeeds and Azhanti locates the elixir stored in a secret compartment in the temples Great Hall. However, he drifts too close and is spotted by Tamus, High Priestess of the Veni. The alarm is raised and guards rush towards the central chamber. Artemis decides to take advantage of the situation and tries, and fails, to take out a guard and replace him. He is pursued but escapes doubling back on himself to take a place hidden in the inner temple. He waits for his opportunity while in the City Assamber has been spotted in the market. Guards descend and subdue him and a patrol quickly captures those on the ship. All three are dragged into the Temple to face the wrath of Tamus.
She clearly recognises Azhanti and demands to know why he is here. Azhanti is evasive and she orders Morn killed to loosen his tongue. Not prepared to be killed off Morn summons his hammer demolishing a wall in the process and battle is joined.
A mass of guards descend but, being cultists, they are cut down in droves. Tamus is less easily dealt with as she transforms herself, revealing her to be an ancient Naga. Worse is to come as the doors burst open and M'Kemba, former priestess of the Unfettered God (dead at Morns hand some time ago) joins the fray with a pair of feathered serpents. A fierce battle ensues during which Artemis frantically tries to access the hidden compartment containing the elixir and get them out without being killed by the poisonous traps protecting it.
Assamber closes off the entrance with a Web spell but Azhanti is hard pressed by cultists and the unholy powers of Tamus. Darkness cloaks the room and many of the group spend time blind, immobilised or worse. Tamus wields significant powers of entracement and many of the party find themselves unable to act against her. Azhanti is taken down, M'Kemba is free of the Web and Tamus has closed to melee range. Things are looking very bad when Assamber again turns the tide. He encases Tamus completely in a Wall of Ice.
With the greatest threat neutralised and with Artemis now free to act (having grabbed the elixirs) the group clear up the remaining enemies. They are battered, bruised and low on healing but feeling confident enough to take Tamus when she begins an incantation. She begins to invoke Panath, forbidden dragonborn Goddess of the Night and Azhanti can sense her presence filling the temple statue. They decide discretion is the better part of valour and flee with their prize.
Back at the boat they make good their escape and take a well earned rest before moving to confront the Hydra.
Scene 3: Fangs of the Hydra
The Hydra lairs within the remnants of a ancient Temple of Venemus, the Temple beneath which his bones were interred. It has long since sunk into the swamp but the enormous skull of the true dragon juts out of the muck. An axe is buried in its skull, the weapon once wielded by Vinga.
Descending the group approach the skull warily. As they do so a mishapen beast breaks free of the much and five draconic heads regard them. Multi coloured scales sparkle in the sun and as they watch aghast a pair of enormous wings unfurl blanketting the ruin in shadows.
It strikes with blinding speed, freezing the area around the group and stunning all of them. Pouncing it mauls Morn severely and he finds the Hydras venom pumping in his veins. The elixir protects him from death but still he finds himself weakened, unable to heal! More savagery ensues and Azhanti is sorely pressed. Assamber takes to the air and cloaks himself in invisibility while Artemis scurries for range.
The blows inflcited on the creature seem to have little effect and what is worse they are healing! Flames engulf those around it and Morn finds himself bathed in lightning. Artemis keeps up the assault as fast as he can but as the Hydra drops first Morn and then Azhanti it turns to pursue him. Not even Artemis's renowned speed and shiftiness can save him this time and he is quickly caught and sorely pressed. Morn is back up but Azhanti is down, on fire, poisoned and close to death. Repeat applications of the elixir do not help and Azhanti remains unconcious.
Realising there is nothing he can do to help his friend Morn hurls himself at the hydra invoking his dragonskull mantle and flying through the air. As he crashes into the creature Artemis falls, also on fire. Morn inflicts terrible wounds on the creature which begins to consider flight. However, Assamber has remained hovering about and drives the Hydra into his Wall of Fire finally overcoming the creature.
Battered and bruised the group collect the Heart of Vulcan and Vinga's axe and return to the ship. Now all that remains is the Ritual of the Tarrock and somehow getting the soul of a Dragon God out of their key. Bha'al claims to know how but his motives remain suspect, born as he was from the dreams of Venemus.
*cut scene*
The Panath assassin Sheol kneels, head bowed behind his master Kitai, Emperor of Arkhosia. "He has recovered the Heart as expected. The Ritual must not be completed or our plans for him will be for naught. Make sure it does not happen."
Beyond the window of the Autumn Palace lies the Plaza of Dragons where five stone dragons rear up, each over a hundred feet high. They sit at the points of an ornate pentagram as Sarock, Imperial Archmage, prepares to receive the soul of a fifth and final Dragon God.
The opening session finds the group flying over the swamps and jungles of southern Arkhosia hunting the Heart of Vulcan. Unfortunately their tracker, Chiniko, has been forced to take to his bed, overcome by the eldritch energies from primordial conflicts in ages past (his player couldn't make the game). Forced to search for more information they head to the city of Pythia, home of the Veni Priesthood.
As they make their way south their journey is rudely interrupted by a drake riding dragonborn warrior and his allies. He demands that Azhanti hand himself over into his custody, his master Bha'al, wishes to speak with him. There is tension between the two and violence seems a distinct possibility but in an act of surprising diplomacy the group decide to follow along.
They are lead to the sunken ruins of an ancient city deep within the swamp. Azhanti is lead into the depths, the rest of the group left behind but only after some aggresive posturing. In the darkness Azhanti meets Bha'al, a dream dragon of Venemus, creator of the Veni dragonblood. The two talk for some time and Bha'al reveals that he has been watching Azhanti for many years. He believes that he, or one of his clutch brothers, may be the Tarrock, a mythical figure said to herald the end of the Dragonborns way of life. He tells him of Venemus, of his death at the hands of Vinga Goddess of Vengeance and of how his soul hid within the Heart of Vulcan which he guarded. Finally he tells him of the time when the Tarrock will be chosen, in 3 days at which time Azhanti must return to the caves with the Heart of Vulcan and consume the soul of Venemus.
Of course nothing is quite that easy. The Heart is guarded by the Hydra, a terrifying monster spawned from the blood of Vinga and Venemus. Its venom is fatal to any mortal and only the Veni priests posses a means to protect oneself from it.
Resolving to find the elixir the group continue on their way to Pythia.
Scene 2: The Serpents Coils
Choosing tact and discretion the group sail the dream ship up the Serpent River and land at the docks of Pythia. The city is a source of trade between the Veni and the outside world and slaves, drugs and poisons are traded in great abundance. However, access to the City beyond the dock and market place is restricted for the Dragonborn and their invited guests.
Never ones to stand on ceremony the group decide to begin their hunt. Assamber scours the market place to learn of the locations of the exotic ingredients needed to make the elixir, Artemis heads into the Great Temple disguised as a Veni and conceals rune markers which then aid Azhanti in commanding the zephyrs of an afternoon storm to spy on the Temple.
All seems to be going well. The ritual succeeds and Azhanti locates the elixir stored in a secret compartment in the temples Great Hall. However, he drifts too close and is spotted by Tamus, High Priestess of the Veni. The alarm is raised and guards rush towards the central chamber. Artemis decides to take advantage of the situation and tries, and fails, to take out a guard and replace him. He is pursued but escapes doubling back on himself to take a place hidden in the inner temple. He waits for his opportunity while in the City Assamber has been spotted in the market. Guards descend and subdue him and a patrol quickly captures those on the ship. All three are dragged into the Temple to face the wrath of Tamus.
She clearly recognises Azhanti and demands to know why he is here. Azhanti is evasive and she orders Morn killed to loosen his tongue. Not prepared to be killed off Morn summons his hammer demolishing a wall in the process and battle is joined.
A mass of guards descend but, being cultists, they are cut down in droves. Tamus is less easily dealt with as she transforms herself, revealing her to be an ancient Naga. Worse is to come as the doors burst open and M'Kemba, former priestess of the Unfettered God (dead at Morns hand some time ago) joins the fray with a pair of feathered serpents. A fierce battle ensues during which Artemis frantically tries to access the hidden compartment containing the elixir and get them out without being killed by the poisonous traps protecting it.
Assamber closes off the entrance with a Web spell but Azhanti is hard pressed by cultists and the unholy powers of Tamus. Darkness cloaks the room and many of the group spend time blind, immobilised or worse. Tamus wields significant powers of entracement and many of the party find themselves unable to act against her. Azhanti is taken down, M'Kemba is free of the Web and Tamus has closed to melee range. Things are looking very bad when Assamber again turns the tide. He encases Tamus completely in a Wall of Ice.
With the greatest threat neutralised and with Artemis now free to act (having grabbed the elixirs) the group clear up the remaining enemies. They are battered, bruised and low on healing but feeling confident enough to take Tamus when she begins an incantation. She begins to invoke Panath, forbidden dragonborn Goddess of the Night and Azhanti can sense her presence filling the temple statue. They decide discretion is the better part of valour and flee with their prize.
Back at the boat they make good their escape and take a well earned rest before moving to confront the Hydra.
Scene 3: Fangs of the Hydra
The Hydra lairs within the remnants of a ancient Temple of Venemus, the Temple beneath which his bones were interred. It has long since sunk into the swamp but the enormous skull of the true dragon juts out of the muck. An axe is buried in its skull, the weapon once wielded by Vinga.
Descending the group approach the skull warily. As they do so a mishapen beast breaks free of the much and five draconic heads regard them. Multi coloured scales sparkle in the sun and as they watch aghast a pair of enormous wings unfurl blanketting the ruin in shadows.
It strikes with blinding speed, freezing the area around the group and stunning all of them. Pouncing it mauls Morn severely and he finds the Hydras venom pumping in his veins. The elixir protects him from death but still he finds himself weakened, unable to heal! More savagery ensues and Azhanti is sorely pressed. Assamber takes to the air and cloaks himself in invisibility while Artemis scurries for range.
The blows inflcited on the creature seem to have little effect and what is worse they are healing! Flames engulf those around it and Morn finds himself bathed in lightning. Artemis keeps up the assault as fast as he can but as the Hydra drops first Morn and then Azhanti it turns to pursue him. Not even Artemis's renowned speed and shiftiness can save him this time and he is quickly caught and sorely pressed. Morn is back up but Azhanti is down, on fire, poisoned and close to death. Repeat applications of the elixir do not help and Azhanti remains unconcious.
Realising there is nothing he can do to help his friend Morn hurls himself at the hydra invoking his dragonskull mantle and flying through the air. As he crashes into the creature Artemis falls, also on fire. Morn inflicts terrible wounds on the creature which begins to consider flight. However, Assamber has remained hovering about and drives the Hydra into his Wall of Fire finally overcoming the creature.
Battered and bruised the group collect the Heart of Vulcan and Vinga's axe and return to the ship. Now all that remains is the Ritual of the Tarrock and somehow getting the soul of a Dragon God out of their key. Bha'al claims to know how but his motives remain suspect, born as he was from the dreams of Venemus.
*cut scene*
The Panath assassin Sheol kneels, head bowed behind his master Kitai, Emperor of Arkhosia. "He has recovered the Heart as expected. The Ritual must not be completed or our plans for him will be for naught. Make sure it does not happen."
Beyond the window of the Autumn Palace lies the Plaza of Dragons where five stone dragons rear up, each over a hundred feet high. They sit at the points of an ornate pentagram as Sarock, Imperial Archmage, prepares to receive the soul of a fifth and final Dragon God.
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Session 22: In the Coils of the Serpent
Our heroes quest continues and now they find themselves travelling deep into the territory of their enemy. The Heart of Vulcan lies within the realm of the Veni, the dragonborn children of Venemus. The Veni are revilled by many within the dragonborn clans, considered without honour for their talents at spying and assassination and their use of poisons and drugs in their work. That would be enough but their home lies within the southern ambit of the continent of Arkhosia, the heart of the Dragonborn Empire and our heroes have already angered the Emperor on at least one occasion.
Necessity however compels them and the Dream Ship sets it course for the lush and vibrant jungles of the south. Great danger awaits them, both in the City of Pythia, home of the Veni cult and the Children of Panath, outlawed Goddess of the Night. Beyond the City lies the great jungle, a site of many battles between gods and ascendants in ages past. Much immortal blood has been spilled in the swamp and the life which it has spawned is often twisted, dangerous and cruel. Much like the dragonborn they much deal with to find the Heart of Vulcan.
Necessity however compels them and the Dream Ship sets it course for the lush and vibrant jungles of the south. Great danger awaits them, both in the City of Pythia, home of the Veni cult and the Children of Panath, outlawed Goddess of the Night. Beyond the City lies the great jungle, a site of many battles between gods and ascendants in ages past. Much immortal blood has been spilled in the swamp and the life which it has spawned is often twisted, dangerous and cruel. Much like the dragonborn they much deal with to find the Heart of Vulcan.
Session 21: The Night of Madness
This session happened a few weeks ago I have not set out to record its events. Mostly this was because I was a player in the session which was guest GM'd by Assamber. You can find a vrief account of it at
It was an interesting experience giving up control of the game and its one which we may repeat going forward as other players may well be interested in doing so. For now the game goes on and our "heroes" quest continues into the benighted jungles of Arkhosia.
It was an interesting experience giving up control of the game and its one which we may repeat going forward as other players may well be interested in doing so. For now the game goes on and our "heroes" quest continues into the benighted jungles of Arkhosia.
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