Sunday, 15 March 2009

Session 14: Into the Depths Part 5

The Egg

Azhanti has one final task, to recover the stolen dragon egg for Vulcan. It is currently placed outside of existence, bathed in the power of true chaos and can only be reached by a portal anchored here in the caves.

The trip is brief but disorientating and he arrives collapsed and retching on an ancient stone slab covered in runic script. At the centre lies a circle of blasphemous sorcery with fragments of the egg which gave birth to the dragon scattered about it. The air around him is filled with madness, fire boils, rocks flow like liquid gold and the sounds of ten shouted screaming voices fill the air. Far beneath the realm turns darker and great cthonic beasts emerge briefly from the depths only to sink again beyond sight.

Rising to his feet Azhanti looks upon the very beginnings of all reality. He stares chaos full in the face and is not afraid. "I am Azhanti and you will know me" In his mind he stands at the end of time and prepares to shape the next cycle in his own image. He will be a god, he knows this.

He gathers the fragments of the egg and steps back through the portal. It has not yet occured to him what effect the exposure to chaos will have on the clutch brothers who must ultimately be reborn from this egg. It may never do so, absorbed as he is in dreams of his future ascendency.

*cut scene*

As Azhanti steps through the portal and it closes for the last time three figures flutter down from the boiling sky above. They are cloaked in burning winds and crowned with iron spikes. "Vedris has failed us, as Reptos failed us" says the first, a voice like metal nails on chalk. "She is not the only option" says the second, its voice a whisper on the wind. "The Azhanti creature might suit our plans better, Vedris was always a danger to us" says the third, its voice a forest fire raging out of control.

"We are agreed then, so be it. We will make him a God for all the good it will do him"

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