Sunday, 7 December 2008

Session 11: Death is only the Beginning, Part 3

Act 3: The End of Time

The last traces of sorcery fade from our heroes and they find themselves in the huge vaulted chamber of the Temple of the Eternal. To either side two massive portals of black and silver metal vomit forth a riot of chaotic colours and energy each focused on a stone floating high above them. It is of dull grey rock bound by green metal and riddled with veins of corruption.

Another problem presents itself as more urgent. Stood just outside the door is the Iron Lord, a monstrously huge Golem with massive rending claws and enormous mandibles. Alarm bells are ringing and it turns to regard the group. Fortunately for them it is very slow and Artemis races for the door slamming the Key of Time into the lock.

The doors begin to close but the creature is so massive it might yet wrench them open. The group go into overdrive. Artemis smashes the creature away from the door and Assamber promptly freezes it solid. Fundamental Ice empowers his sorcery and he drinks deep of the Black Lotus Juice. The doors slam shut with a sound of inevitability.

*cut scene*

As the doors close Azhanti finds himself stood before the gates of Vulcan’s most ancient temple. The fires burn but he can feel the warmth of the Primoridal within. He enters into the presence of Vulcan for the first time in his life. “KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD!”

“How, you are dead, this cannot be happening.” “You stand outside of time child, here past, present and future meet. I speak to you from the past. Submit yourself to me, KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD!” Slowly, reluctantly Azhanti prostrates himself. “The World turns Azhanti, this Age is ending. Soon will come a new Age and I find myself in need of a Champion. Serve me and know my blessings, give up these foolish ideas of supplanting me. Accept your destiny.”

He pauses, to give up what he has worked for, the offer is tempting but ultimately he cannot do it. He rejects the offer. “So be it, you are still my child, let us see what fate brings. I make you another offer. Children of Mael have stolen a Dragons Egg, find it and I will fill you with my power in your fight against Darius.”He agrees and quickly finds himself back in the Chamber.

The Ritual Darius has enacted to conjure his Demon Lord requires great power and it is slowly building, the Gates feeding from the stone. The group spread out and prepare to counter it. Unfortunately a miss step results in a surge from the Gates and demons spew forth. Battle is joined while Assamber maintains the Ritual. Morn wades through his enemies hammer swinging and each time it strikes the Spire rings like an enormous bell. On the third blow he finds himself spinning away, dropping through the Earth into the embrace of Maran Gor, the Primoridal of Earth.

*cut scene*

“You have awoken me child, why?” Morn looks puzzled, “Bwu?” “You use my Hammer, forged by my hands in the Temple of my Body. You have awoken me and it is good to stir once more. The end is coming, now is the time for action. I require a Champion Human, the Hammer has chosen you and I offer you that position.” There are questions, Morn now doubts all Gods and is reluctant to be bound to another so soon.

“I decline” “ So be it, I offer you a boon, my Temple has been overrun by a Child of Vulcan, a Dragon named Infernus, free it and I will bless your efforts.”

Accepting readily Morn finds himself back in the Chamber surrounded by Demons as Assamber completes the Ritual. The Gates reverse, chaos which was pouring into the City is now sucked back. Nearly half of the Cabals demons disintegrate and outside there is much cheering until the Ship of Death is torn apart and crashes into the harbour. All three Dragons turn their attention to the battle.

The Pashtun witches are blasted from the sky and flames are alight all over. Meanwhile outside the Spire the mass of Demons which remain turn their attention to the City. They cannot enter the Spire, its walls are impervious to all mortal sorcery. They prepare to descend on the rebellion Warriors when they are brought short. Yusmida the Betrayer has brought his ghostly warriors as required by their compact and spectral warriors clash with soul rending demons.

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