Thursday, 6 November 2008

Session 9: The Long Road Home

In the City of Kings the loose alliance of men, Tieflings and Kireshi hangs in the balance. Tempers have flared and much remains uncertain. Now however a new threat thrusts itself to the fore. Nihlil, aging Prophet of Vulcan is dying and the Warlord Najentus, allied to the Cabal, seeks to usurp his position.
If the pawn of Najentus dons the Mantle of the Prophet then the Warlord will achieve total control of the Clan. Fearing what that would entail Azhanti prepares to return to the Temple, his home for much of his life, to stand in the Sacred Circle and seek the Mantle for himself.
Three trials await anyone seeking the Mantle. First they must receive the Breath of the Dragon, the Blessing of Fulmenus. Second they must face their challengers in the Circle of Steel before fnally confronting their own demons on the Path of Lightning.
Azhanti does not return home alone, Morn and Assamber are with him but it remains to be seen how the isolationist Dragonborn will react to strangers in their midst.

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