Scene 4: the Ambush
Taking this as their cue the group springs its trap striking at the Grub who seems stunned by the backlash. The violence is swift and deadly but he recovers quickly. As the Ritual progressed he has slowly taken on his true form, a mass of blubbery flesh and tentacles. As he wades into the fight he reaches out with the last remaining power of the ritual and awakens a leviathan, a child of Mael sleeping at the bottom of an ocean trench. “Finally I will have my revenge on the Lokarnos for the wrongs done to my father.”
Seeing the risk Assamber urges an all out assault against him. Things are never so easy. The Grub conjures the icy chill of the lightless depths of the ocean around him and his flesh golems wreak a bloody path. Assamber drops an Ice Storm but it hampers his allies as much as his enemies although it does imprison some of them in Azhanti’s blade barrier. Morn sunders the golden chain imprisoning Kyia who promptly begins blasting away at the Grub for the indignities he has heaped on her.
For a time things look bad. Cassius draws blood with every blow of his spear and seems able to reach anywhere on the battlefield until Assamber freezes him in place. The Grub freezes those around him and tries to seize control of the bodies of enemies rupturing their organs and blood vessels. Morn, mostly immobilised for the fight, absorbs blow after blow from the Golems but finally manages to wreck one before going down himself. A few desperate prayers later he is back on his feet and swinging but so is the Golem, reanimated by the Grub.
Things are beginning to look desperate. Most of the groups healing is gone and the Grub shows little sign of stopping. The guards are down but the Golems seem hard to stop. Cassius is pressing Azhanti who seems close to dropping. Lightning crashes around the room and powerful winds swirl from the storm outside. Another huge wave crashes against the Temple but this time it brings with it something other than driftwood and sea spray. Akaran Trak’Ar has arrived to take vengeance on his old nemesis, dressed as a Warlock Priest of Mael he unleashes a barrage of sorcery against him.
Things get more confusing. Artemis takes his chance to rid himself of his hated enemy and tries to drives Trak’Ar off the balcony on to the rocks below. He fails and then redoubles his efforts against the Grub. Azhanti manages to bribe Cassius into switching sides and he charges the great blubbery mass. Finally unable to bear the weight of attacks against him Artemis plants an arrow in his great central eye and with a sigh the Child of Mael collapses into a disgusting mass of stinking fetid flesh. With the Grub dead the Leviathan slowly sinks back into its oceanic trench.
Scene 5: The Betrayal
Kyia throws herself into the arms of her father, overjoyed that he would risk himself to rescue her. Here at last is vindication that she is not just some playing piece to move on a political map. He does love her. Morn can see the love and happiness shining in her eyes and he sees it turn to grief and hate as Artemis plants an arrow in his back. She turns to Morn, furious, “Kill him” she snarls into his mind as around his wrists and throat Blood Tattoos burst to life chaining his mind to her will. “Kill him!”
Morn surges towards Artemis and smashes into him mace first. He pursues him time and again seeking to bring him down. A small voice in the back of his mind calls on the Unfettered God to preserve him. His God, who promises his worshippers freedom from all such bonds in exchange for their oaths does not answer. That voice sounds very small and very alone, like a child calling out in a vast empty cavern.
Acting quickly Azhanti moves to put a stop to things. The flat of his axe crashes into the side of Kyia’s head and she collapses unconscious to the ground as her father dies. Shaking himself from the fugue Morn looks around in confusion. His God has abandoned him, everything he once believed is a lie and the woman he might once have loved has betrayed him. He walks over to her unconscious form and gently picks her up. Stepping on to the balcony he casts her down onto the jagged rocks below.
Scene 6: The Meeting
It is several hours later and the Temple is still. Acolytes are busy scrubbing up the Grub from the floor of the main Temple while their Priest and his friends meet with the leaders of the Rebellion in the chambers below.
Antonius and Marat Kesh are both there. An olive branch is offered and accepted. Old wounds are healed and a place on the rebellion High Command is offered to Artemis. He accepts it and takes the position of General. Together they begin to plan their final attack against the Cabal. They know they don’t have much time, they must secure the Spire by noon tomorrow or the Dragon Riders will decimate the City.
As they discuss the disposition of Kireshi Witches and Stone Dwarves Catalia, mother of Artemis and senior priestess of the Cult of the Eternal collapses screaming in pain. “The Spire, oh by all the Gods, what is he doing.” In the distance the Spire can be seen lit up like a candle, cloaked in putrid purple flames. “Darius seeks to open a gate to the Abyss, he would conjure a demon lord to fight the Emperor, you must stop him”
*cut scene*
The Iron Lord Walks
In the great market of the City of Kings stands a massive stone building. It is called the Armoury and it is home to Belmondo the Artificer, a leader of the Cabal. Inside he works day and night on the creation of newer and more horrifying machines of war. On top of the building stands an enormous metal statue, covered in a cloak of iron. It is twice the size of any other Golem possessed by the Cabal. Rumour has it that the creature beneath the iron cloak is alive and that it watches over the City but few believe that, until tonight.
With a crash the iron curtain falls and the monstrous Iron Lord walks. A mass of metal, claws and scything mandibles it carves a bloody path through the City to squat in the doorway of the Spire to protect its master and allow him to complete his terrible ritual.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Session 10: Beginning of the End Part 1
Scene 1: Flight of the Windrunner
Welcome back to the City of Kings. Matters in the Dragonborn camp move apace. A new Warlord is chosen, Balasar the Huntsman and the army prepares to withdraw.
Now, however, we turn our attention back to the fate of Artemis, Pashtun Ranger. Having left the meeting with the Rebellion he has lost himself in the flesh pits and gambling dens of the City. As all must do eventually his finds himself washed up in the Palace of the Grub where every sin of flesh or soul is available at the right price. Losing himself for several days he is rudely awakened by an insistent knocking at his door.
Bleary eyed he welcomes his visitor, Alias Windstorm, member of the Order of Transcendental Inquiry and renegade Wizard. He is highly agitated and being out in the day, especially here, puts his life at great risk. He comes to the point quickly, “It’s time to get out Artemis, everything’s going to shit here. The Dragonborn have broken with the Emperor and he’s sending Dragon Riders to raze the City. I came to warn you before I leave and to give you these.” He throws a small leather pouch on the bed. “This is a sending stone, if you do survive use it to contact me. I know you are likely to do something stupid so here is a key to the Cabals armoury and a map of the layout. There’s a map of their forces in there too. If you do manage to take them down let me know, I am sure I can make you a good offer.” With that he is gone, as quickly as he arrived.
Scene 2: The Binding of the Betrayer
Again we cast our minds back, but only a little way this time, to last night, in the Temple of Mael, where Assamber pores over the spellbooks of the sorceress Althea. As he reads them things become clearer, the words to a ritual form themselves in his mind. He snatches up the skull they took from Althea and a name springs to life, Yusmida, the Betrayer!
Gathering his things he heads out into the night. The components for the ritual must be bought, ground human bones and the blood of an innocent man wrongfully accused. The night market is a den of vileness, hags and witches rub shoulders with necromancers and demonologists. Slavers and drug pushers work with kidnappers and bounty hunters. The market is tolerated by the Cabal because it is watched over by Hu’Maa, the Vampire Lord. His children keep order in the market and even the Cabal do not dare to test their power against that of the Vampire.
Making his purchases Assamber hurries homeward. Glancing back he notices the necromancer he bought his goods from frantically gesturing to one of the children of the night. A keening wail goes up as several of them begin to close on his position and he flees. Desperate to escape he takes to the tunnels but they clearly know them better than he does and his illusions do not fool them. He is quickly caught and taken before their master.
Hu’Maa is cloaked in shadows and is most interested in just what Assamber intends to do with the Skull of Yusmida the Betrayer. Yusmida was castellan to the last Centurion King and betrayed him to the Cabal. For his crimes he was cursed and now wanders the Halls of the Shattered Throne as a ghost. The Skull can be used to summon him but Assamber does not possess the power to compel him. Seemingly amused by his temerity Hu’Maa provides him with a scroll, The Binding of Yusmida, a ritual designed to compel the ghost if he will not work with them willingly.
Returning to the Temple Assamber gathers his friends and prepares the ritual. Human bone marks out a sorcerous circle, black candles sputter fitfully in the darkness and the blood slowly drips onto the skull. Thick smoke rises and the form of the short pudgy eunuch emerges out of the fog. “You are no Cabal wizard, why have you summoned me?” Steeling himself against the apparition Assamber rises to his full height. “I seek you help to overthrow the Cabal, will you help me” The ghost regards him with hate filled eyes, “Release me from the power of the skull and I will do as you ask. Smash it into pieces and I will bring death to Darius and all of his kind.” He shakes his head, “How can I trust you Betrayer, your reputation precedes you.” He begins to read from the scroll. “By the power of the Primordials I bind you”, as he chants glowing chains of magic wrap themselves around the ghost. Assamber inscribes the runes of the five Primordials on his smoky form, he rages and screams, skeletal claws thrust across the barrier to be seared by necromantic flames. A battle of wills surges throughout the cellar but, at the last, Assamber is victorious. Yusmida departs, subdued, leaving behind nothing but the stench of the grave.
Scene 3: Mael Awakens
We return at last to the present and the plans to deal with the Imperial Legions bearing down on the City in the Lokarnos City Ship Behemoth. Assamber has concluded a deal with The Grub. Together they will raise the power of Mael to drive away the ship. What the Grub doesn’t know is that Assamber plans to kill him once the ritual is done. Of course the Grub has a surprise of his own in store.
The Grub arrives dead on time carried on his Divan by his Flesh Golem bearers. He also brings Cassius, his personal guard and a number of men at arms. Finally comes Kyia, beautiful Tiefling Princess in little more than a gold bikini and attached to him by a slender golden chain.
They gather in the Fane of the Temple, open to the sea. The Ritual begins and together Assamber and Mael call up the powers of the ocean depths and the storms. Assamber can sense the heart of the Temple of Ul-oo-thee, God of the Lokarnos, Lord of Stability and Stagnation. Alarms have sounded, temple priests rush to perform the Rituals of Becalming and deep in the heart of the Temple something dark and malignant awakes. Everything is going to plan, the tides have turned, storm clouds have gathered and Assamber prepares to divert the very currents of the Ocean against them when Azhanti interferes. He draws on the power of the storm and his own God Vulcan to strafe the City with lightning but does so clumsily. They are detected and the malignant force at the heart of the Temple becomes aware of them. It brings its power to bear and they are all buffeted by psychic winds. Crying out in pain Assamber finishes the Ritual and sends a pulse of magical power at both the ship and the Grub.
Welcome back to the City of Kings. Matters in the Dragonborn camp move apace. A new Warlord is chosen, Balasar the Huntsman and the army prepares to withdraw.
Now, however, we turn our attention back to the fate of Artemis, Pashtun Ranger. Having left the meeting with the Rebellion he has lost himself in the flesh pits and gambling dens of the City. As all must do eventually his finds himself washed up in the Palace of the Grub where every sin of flesh or soul is available at the right price. Losing himself for several days he is rudely awakened by an insistent knocking at his door.
Bleary eyed he welcomes his visitor, Alias Windstorm, member of the Order of Transcendental Inquiry and renegade Wizard. He is highly agitated and being out in the day, especially here, puts his life at great risk. He comes to the point quickly, “It’s time to get out Artemis, everything’s going to shit here. The Dragonborn have broken with the Emperor and he’s sending Dragon Riders to raze the City. I came to warn you before I leave and to give you these.” He throws a small leather pouch on the bed. “This is a sending stone, if you do survive use it to contact me. I know you are likely to do something stupid so here is a key to the Cabals armoury and a map of the layout. There’s a map of their forces in there too. If you do manage to take them down let me know, I am sure I can make you a good offer.” With that he is gone, as quickly as he arrived.
Scene 2: The Binding of the Betrayer
Again we cast our minds back, but only a little way this time, to last night, in the Temple of Mael, where Assamber pores over the spellbooks of the sorceress Althea. As he reads them things become clearer, the words to a ritual form themselves in his mind. He snatches up the skull they took from Althea and a name springs to life, Yusmida, the Betrayer!
Gathering his things he heads out into the night. The components for the ritual must be bought, ground human bones and the blood of an innocent man wrongfully accused. The night market is a den of vileness, hags and witches rub shoulders with necromancers and demonologists. Slavers and drug pushers work with kidnappers and bounty hunters. The market is tolerated by the Cabal because it is watched over by Hu’Maa, the Vampire Lord. His children keep order in the market and even the Cabal do not dare to test their power against that of the Vampire.
Making his purchases Assamber hurries homeward. Glancing back he notices the necromancer he bought his goods from frantically gesturing to one of the children of the night. A keening wail goes up as several of them begin to close on his position and he flees. Desperate to escape he takes to the tunnels but they clearly know them better than he does and his illusions do not fool them. He is quickly caught and taken before their master.
Hu’Maa is cloaked in shadows and is most interested in just what Assamber intends to do with the Skull of Yusmida the Betrayer. Yusmida was castellan to the last Centurion King and betrayed him to the Cabal. For his crimes he was cursed and now wanders the Halls of the Shattered Throne as a ghost. The Skull can be used to summon him but Assamber does not possess the power to compel him. Seemingly amused by his temerity Hu’Maa provides him with a scroll, The Binding of Yusmida, a ritual designed to compel the ghost if he will not work with them willingly.
Returning to the Temple Assamber gathers his friends and prepares the ritual. Human bone marks out a sorcerous circle, black candles sputter fitfully in the darkness and the blood slowly drips onto the skull. Thick smoke rises and the form of the short pudgy eunuch emerges out of the fog. “You are no Cabal wizard, why have you summoned me?” Steeling himself against the apparition Assamber rises to his full height. “I seek you help to overthrow the Cabal, will you help me” The ghost regards him with hate filled eyes, “Release me from the power of the skull and I will do as you ask. Smash it into pieces and I will bring death to Darius and all of his kind.” He shakes his head, “How can I trust you Betrayer, your reputation precedes you.” He begins to read from the scroll. “By the power of the Primordials I bind you”, as he chants glowing chains of magic wrap themselves around the ghost. Assamber inscribes the runes of the five Primordials on his smoky form, he rages and screams, skeletal claws thrust across the barrier to be seared by necromantic flames. A battle of wills surges throughout the cellar but, at the last, Assamber is victorious. Yusmida departs, subdued, leaving behind nothing but the stench of the grave.
Scene 3: Mael Awakens
We return at last to the present and the plans to deal with the Imperial Legions bearing down on the City in the Lokarnos City Ship Behemoth. Assamber has concluded a deal with The Grub. Together they will raise the power of Mael to drive away the ship. What the Grub doesn’t know is that Assamber plans to kill him once the ritual is done. Of course the Grub has a surprise of his own in store.
The Grub arrives dead on time carried on his Divan by his Flesh Golem bearers. He also brings Cassius, his personal guard and a number of men at arms. Finally comes Kyia, beautiful Tiefling Princess in little more than a gold bikini and attached to him by a slender golden chain.
They gather in the Fane of the Temple, open to the sea. The Ritual begins and together Assamber and Mael call up the powers of the ocean depths and the storms. Assamber can sense the heart of the Temple of Ul-oo-thee, God of the Lokarnos, Lord of Stability and Stagnation. Alarms have sounded, temple priests rush to perform the Rituals of Becalming and deep in the heart of the Temple something dark and malignant awakes. Everything is going to plan, the tides have turned, storm clouds have gathered and Assamber prepares to divert the very currents of the Ocean against them when Azhanti interferes. He draws on the power of the storm and his own God Vulcan to strafe the City with lightning but does so clumsily. They are detected and the malignant force at the heart of the Temple becomes aware of them. It brings its power to bear and they are all buffeted by psychic winds. Crying out in pain Assamber finishes the Ritual and sends a pulse of magical power at both the ship and the Grub.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Session 10: Beginning of the End

Matters in the City of Kings continue to move at a pace. The allies of the Rebellion are nearly all in place. The Dragonborn army has withdrawn and events conspire to deal with the Arkhosia legions which lie just off the coast. The time to strike against the Cabal will be soon, only a few small matters remain to be dealt with.
The Grub, that most odious and contemptible of creatures must die and, in killing him, our heroes will rescue Kyia the lust of Morns life. Akaran Trak'Ar, head of House Trak'Ar and father to Kyia is also on the hit list. One way or another his feud with Artemis will end. Finally our heroes must find a way to mend fences with the Rebellion or perhaps break some heads.
This night promises to be a particularly violent one. Blood will run in the sacred halls of Mael for the first time in many many years.
Meanwhile in the Spire, Darius, Master of the Cabal schemes. He can feel the threads of destiny pulling more tightly around him. Not one to sit idle he begins his own preparations for the conflict which he knows must come soon.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Session 9: The Long Road Home Part 3
Thunder at the Gates of Time
Feeling secure in his new position Azhanti decides it is time to move against the Warlord Najentus. He learns that the Warlord has gathered his forces more quickly than expected and is already marching on the City. Acting quickly he calls a meeting of the Clan Council, the only group which can challenge the decisions of the Warlord. Four members currently make up the Council. Najentus has maintained his place on it despite his elevation to Warlord so that he can block any attempt by the Council to stymie his ambitions.
In a move designed to challenge his authority Azhanti calls a meeting of the Council of Five.
The group return to the City the same way they left and quickly find themselves in the Temple of Mael. A message arrives for Azhanti, Najentus wishes to meet with him in private before tomorrow’s meeting. He decides to go and takes Morn and Assamber with him. His two companions must wait outside. As they watch the tent of the Warlord the serpent priest Sheol emerges and glares at them. Inside Azhanti learns much of what has been happening.
Najentus explains much of his plans. The ancient Dragonborn Empire of Arkhosia has been reborn and its Emperor now sends his armies out to conquer the world. Five legions of imperial shock troops lie just off the coast in the Lokarnos City Ship Behemoth. Once the Cabal have exhausted themselves destroying the Rebellion then they will strike. The Legion will seize the docks, disable the defences and Imperial Troops will sweep into the City. A new Dragonborn King will sit on the Throne and he will need a High Priest he can trust. The humans will bend their knees to Najentus and the entire Tiefling race will be given to the Emperor as his slaves.
The plan is audacious but Azhanti is persistent. He stresses the need for the Warlord to respect the traditions of the Clan and restore the Council. He pleads on behalf of the Rebellion to aid them against the Cabal before taking the City for the Dragonborn. His makes an impassioned case and gives even Najentus pause for thought. He promises to think on the matter and reconsider at the meeting tomorrow. As Azhanti leaves the tent the Veni serpent priest emerges from the shadows “Should I kill him?” “No, not yet, he might still be useful to us.”
With much still to think about Azhanti, Morn and Assamber make the rounds of the Council members.
Xaltotun, the Warlock, meets them in his disturbing tent filled with bones and body parts. He is an aged Dragonborn, almost a mummy and was in Azhanti’s vision of the future. His command of the elements is prodigious but he is quickly swayed by promise of the Cabals sorcery and the possessions of Darius, their leader.
Tanith, High Priest of Vulcan presents a more difficult task. Humans are forbidden from entering the shrine and he has strong loyalties to the Warlord seeing him as the best hope for their people. His faith is shaken when Azhanti reveals the Warlords offer to replace him and his association with the forbidden Veni priests.
Balasar the Hunter welcomes them into his tent. He has heard of their victory over a Dragon and is keen to hear the tale. He offers to have its hide enchanted with powerful sorcery. He has many doubts about the Warlord but is reluctant to counter his orders. He respects the line of command and fears for the morale of the Legion if its commanders quarrel. Ultimately he agrees to help only if the other Council members do and only if the Warlord position returns to its ancient roots as a leader in time of war only.
As night closes in Azhanti spends his time walking amongst the common soldiers of the Legion speaking of the faith of Vulcan. Morn settles in with a group of Warriors and together they swap war stories. As he listens to their talk he is left with the distinct impression that the Dragonborn army will be on neither side in the coming conflict (Azhanti hasn’t been sharing with the rest of the group).
Assamber returns to town. At the Temple he finds Torvad Nom, the Hidden Priest from the City Ship Behemoth waiting for him. The Behemoth stands only a short distance away from the city and has 5000 Dragonborn warriors on it waiting to invade. He advises Assamber to flee before fire and death engulf the City. Desperate to stop this Assamber takes the plunge. He visits the Grub, a child of Mael and asks for his help. The Grub represents the darker side of Mael, the Lord of Monsters as opposed to Assambers vision of him as the Lord of Change. There he learns that the Cabal came from the continent of Arkhosia where once they enslaved the Dragonborn until they rebelled against their cruelty.
Concerned about the presence of such a large army the Grub agrees to help. Together they will perform a ritual powerful enough to drive away the ship so it cannot make landfall. The ritual will take time to prepare and news of what is happening still has to spread. Assamber contacts Morn who speaks with the Rebellion.
The next day Azhanti meets with the Council. He faces down Najentus and forces him to accept a new member onto the Council to take the place he should have vacated. Then the difficult work begins. Azhanti seeks a change of policy, the Warlord refuses. The serpent priest is brought before the Council and makes many threats. The authority of the newly returned Emperor is questioned and Najentus comes close to being deposed by his own council. At the last moment he relents in the face of strong opposition and agrees to withdraw the Legion to test the Emperors strength. If he is who he claims to be then he will be able to land his troops without their aid.
Incensed at the about face Sheol acts. He murders Najentus where he stands, poisoned blades piercing his throat and vanishes in a cloud of darkness promising dire retribution.
*cut scene*
The Imperial Palace of the Emperor of Arkhosia
A palace mage in robes of crimson enters the chambers of the Emperor. “My Lord, the Warlord has failed us, the High Lightning Clan retreats from the field.”
“So be it, unleash the dragon riders, I will see the home of Reptos reduced to rubble before this is over.”
Feeling secure in his new position Azhanti decides it is time to move against the Warlord Najentus. He learns that the Warlord has gathered his forces more quickly than expected and is already marching on the City. Acting quickly he calls a meeting of the Clan Council, the only group which can challenge the decisions of the Warlord. Four members currently make up the Council. Najentus has maintained his place on it despite his elevation to Warlord so that he can block any attempt by the Council to stymie his ambitions.
In a move designed to challenge his authority Azhanti calls a meeting of the Council of Five.
The group return to the City the same way they left and quickly find themselves in the Temple of Mael. A message arrives for Azhanti, Najentus wishes to meet with him in private before tomorrow’s meeting. He decides to go and takes Morn and Assamber with him. His two companions must wait outside. As they watch the tent of the Warlord the serpent priest Sheol emerges and glares at them. Inside Azhanti learns much of what has been happening.
Najentus explains much of his plans. The ancient Dragonborn Empire of Arkhosia has been reborn and its Emperor now sends his armies out to conquer the world. Five legions of imperial shock troops lie just off the coast in the Lokarnos City Ship Behemoth. Once the Cabal have exhausted themselves destroying the Rebellion then they will strike. The Legion will seize the docks, disable the defences and Imperial Troops will sweep into the City. A new Dragonborn King will sit on the Throne and he will need a High Priest he can trust. The humans will bend their knees to Najentus and the entire Tiefling race will be given to the Emperor as his slaves.
The plan is audacious but Azhanti is persistent. He stresses the need for the Warlord to respect the traditions of the Clan and restore the Council. He pleads on behalf of the Rebellion to aid them against the Cabal before taking the City for the Dragonborn. His makes an impassioned case and gives even Najentus pause for thought. He promises to think on the matter and reconsider at the meeting tomorrow. As Azhanti leaves the tent the Veni serpent priest emerges from the shadows “Should I kill him?” “No, not yet, he might still be useful to us.”
With much still to think about Azhanti, Morn and Assamber make the rounds of the Council members.
Xaltotun, the Warlock, meets them in his disturbing tent filled with bones and body parts. He is an aged Dragonborn, almost a mummy and was in Azhanti’s vision of the future. His command of the elements is prodigious but he is quickly swayed by promise of the Cabals sorcery and the possessions of Darius, their leader.
Tanith, High Priest of Vulcan presents a more difficult task. Humans are forbidden from entering the shrine and he has strong loyalties to the Warlord seeing him as the best hope for their people. His faith is shaken when Azhanti reveals the Warlords offer to replace him and his association with the forbidden Veni priests.
Balasar the Hunter welcomes them into his tent. He has heard of their victory over a Dragon and is keen to hear the tale. He offers to have its hide enchanted with powerful sorcery. He has many doubts about the Warlord but is reluctant to counter his orders. He respects the line of command and fears for the morale of the Legion if its commanders quarrel. Ultimately he agrees to help only if the other Council members do and only if the Warlord position returns to its ancient roots as a leader in time of war only.
As night closes in Azhanti spends his time walking amongst the common soldiers of the Legion speaking of the faith of Vulcan. Morn settles in with a group of Warriors and together they swap war stories. As he listens to their talk he is left with the distinct impression that the Dragonborn army will be on neither side in the coming conflict (Azhanti hasn’t been sharing with the rest of the group).
Assamber returns to town. At the Temple he finds Torvad Nom, the Hidden Priest from the City Ship Behemoth waiting for him. The Behemoth stands only a short distance away from the city and has 5000 Dragonborn warriors on it waiting to invade. He advises Assamber to flee before fire and death engulf the City. Desperate to stop this Assamber takes the plunge. He visits the Grub, a child of Mael and asks for his help. The Grub represents the darker side of Mael, the Lord of Monsters as opposed to Assambers vision of him as the Lord of Change. There he learns that the Cabal came from the continent of Arkhosia where once they enslaved the Dragonborn until they rebelled against their cruelty.
Concerned about the presence of such a large army the Grub agrees to help. Together they will perform a ritual powerful enough to drive away the ship so it cannot make landfall. The ritual will take time to prepare and news of what is happening still has to spread. Assamber contacts Morn who speaks with the Rebellion.
The next day Azhanti meets with the Council. He faces down Najentus and forces him to accept a new member onto the Council to take the place he should have vacated. Then the difficult work begins. Azhanti seeks a change of policy, the Warlord refuses. The serpent priest is brought before the Council and makes many threats. The authority of the newly returned Emperor is questioned and Najentus comes close to being deposed by his own council. At the last moment he relents in the face of strong opposition and agrees to withdraw the Legion to test the Emperors strength. If he is who he claims to be then he will be able to land his troops without their aid.
Incensed at the about face Sheol acts. He murders Najentus where he stands, poisoned blades piercing his throat and vanishes in a cloud of darkness promising dire retribution.
*cut scene*
The Imperial Palace of the Emperor of Arkhosia
A palace mage in robes of crimson enters the chambers of the Emperor. “My Lord, the Warlord has failed us, the High Lightning Clan retreats from the field.”
“So be it, unleash the dragon riders, I will see the home of Reptos reduced to rubble before this is over.”
Session 9: The Long Road Home Part 2
The Path of Lightning
Having returned from the Dragons Cave one task still remains to Azhanti. He must face the current Voice in the Ring of Fire and walk the Path of Lightning. No voice has ever simply stepped down for a successor, the title must be won by force of arms.
The Priests of Vulcan gather around the sacred circle. Their ceremonial axes crash against the hard volcanic rock and a pillar of lightning arcs down from the sky to stand in the centre of the circle. Azhanti waits patiently as Nihlil makes his slow and painful way down the steps, age weakening his steps. As he reaches the bottom he casts away his staff and lets his robe slip to the ground. As he takes the ceremonial axe the years slip away from him and he is, once again, the young warrior who fought many times in the arena. He raises his axe to his old pupil, “defend yourself, you will receive no quarter” and he surges to attack.
The two circle each other and their axes clash again and again. As they do lightning courses through the circle enveloping them both. Each time it strikes a new vision is shown to Azhanti. First, his meeting with Nihlil in the arena who would teach him so much; second his long days training in the temple; third his first meeting with Humans who tried to cheat him of what was rightfully his; fourthly a vision of the future where the Primordials loom large in the background and five indistinct figures walk before them. Lightning pours through the circle, Nihlil’s axe bites again and again and only Azhanti’s faith and magic sustain him. As the vision of the future fades he turns and strikes, Nihlil slips, age betraying his limbs and the axe buries itself in his chest. As he falls away into death he whispers one last piece of advice to his old student, “only you can stop the Warlord now, remember your training.”
Lightning takes hold of him for one last time and a vision of the far future opens up. Azhanti makes his slow way up a winding mountain path to a Temple. The last stage of his quest for Godhood is before him, he must face Vulcan in his First Temple and wrest control of the winds from him. As he makes his way up the mountain he passes an old man leaning on a staff who calls to him as passes. “Think about what you are doing my young friend, are you sure it is worth it...” He ignores him and walks on.
As the last spark of lightning fades Azhanti finds himself alone in the Circle. All around the Caldera the thunder of Vulcan rumbles proclaiming his new Voice but to Azhanti it sounds hollow and powerless. The body of Nihlil is gone, only the Mantle of the Prophet remains. The Priests of the Temple kneel silently surrounding him.
Having returned from the Dragons Cave one task still remains to Azhanti. He must face the current Voice in the Ring of Fire and walk the Path of Lightning. No voice has ever simply stepped down for a successor, the title must be won by force of arms.
The Priests of Vulcan gather around the sacred circle. Their ceremonial axes crash against the hard volcanic rock and a pillar of lightning arcs down from the sky to stand in the centre of the circle. Azhanti waits patiently as Nihlil makes his slow and painful way down the steps, age weakening his steps. As he reaches the bottom he casts away his staff and lets his robe slip to the ground. As he takes the ceremonial axe the years slip away from him and he is, once again, the young warrior who fought many times in the arena. He raises his axe to his old pupil, “defend yourself, you will receive no quarter” and he surges to attack.
The two circle each other and their axes clash again and again. As they do lightning courses through the circle enveloping them both. Each time it strikes a new vision is shown to Azhanti. First, his meeting with Nihlil in the arena who would teach him so much; second his long days training in the temple; third his first meeting with Humans who tried to cheat him of what was rightfully his; fourthly a vision of the future where the Primordials loom large in the background and five indistinct figures walk before them. Lightning pours through the circle, Nihlil’s axe bites again and again and only Azhanti’s faith and magic sustain him. As the vision of the future fades he turns and strikes, Nihlil slips, age betraying his limbs and the axe buries itself in his chest. As he falls away into death he whispers one last piece of advice to his old student, “only you can stop the Warlord now, remember your training.”
Lightning takes hold of him for one last time and a vision of the far future opens up. Azhanti makes his slow way up a winding mountain path to a Temple. The last stage of his quest for Godhood is before him, he must face Vulcan in his First Temple and wrest control of the winds from him. As he makes his way up the mountain he passes an old man leaning on a staff who calls to him as passes. “Think about what you are doing my young friend, are you sure it is worth it...” He ignores him and walks on.
As the last spark of lightning fades Azhanti finds himself alone in the Circle. All around the Caldera the thunder of Vulcan rumbles proclaiming his new Voice but to Azhanti it sounds hollow and powerless. The body of Nihlil is gone, only the Mantle of the Prophet remains. The Priests of the Temple kneel silently surrounding him.
Session 9: The Long Road Home Part 1
Into the Depths
After the difficult meeting with the rebellion leaders Artemis heads off into the City fuming (the player missed the session). Azhanti receives an urgent message from the Temple, the Warlord Najentus has invested the Temple with his troops and is trying to supplant the Voice of the Dragon, Azhanti’s old mentor.
Fearing the consequences the group gathers at the Temple of Mael and prepares to go to Nihlils aid. Assamber has recently mastered a new ritual, the Linked Portal and Azhanti provides him with the design for the Temple of Vulcan. After a day of furious scribbling and redrawing the circle is ready. A great coiled dragon covered in runes is outlined on the floor of the Temple. Invoking his powers the dragon animates and swallows the group teleporting them many miles to the west, into the volcanic caves of Vulcan’s temple.
Immediately the alarm is raised. No human has ever set foot in the sacred precincts before but Azhanti bullies the lesser priests into accepting their presence. He is brought before Nihlil in the heart of the temple where he rests beneath a great statue of their God. The two renew bonds of an old friendship while Martek, pawn of Najentus watches with hateful intent. The unpleasant spell of burning acid wafts down from his two hooded companions.
The next day the Temple Priests gather at the great gates to the underways. Those who seek the position of Voice must first receive the blessing of Fulmenus, progenitor of the Clan. He lies coiled deep below the volcano and the aspirants must reach him and stand within his jaws. The worthy will be blessed with his breath, the unworthy will be eaten. At the gates there is much posturing between Azhanti and Martek who reveals his companions as Seeping Poison Dragonborn, a clan long thought lost. Morn puts his imposing bulk to good use and stares down the normally steadfast Martek.
As the gates open both groups head in, each seeking to be the first to reach the Chamber of the Dragon. All competitors are fair game until such time as his jaws open to accept those who seek the position of the Voice. Our three heroes make their way through the lave caves quickly and quietly. Assamber puts his magic to good use conjuring a glowing map of their travels to avoid getting lost in the twisting passages and the group make good time reaching the crumbling chamber well ahead of the competition.
The Dragon is enormous even with only its head visible. The Chambers shudders with the sound of its heartbeat and the breath from its nostrils sets a wind in the tunnels strong enough to bowl over a strong man. The group decide on subterfuge putting the Hat of Disguise to good use. Azhanti disguises himself as Assamber who takes up a position well in cover. As Martek and his servants arrive they fool them into believing that Azhanti has fallen. Seeking to brush them aside Martek makes his way to the Dragon when they spring their ambush. The fight is fast and furious. As they battle the dragons breath grows quicker and more deadly. The chamber shakes with his awakening and all of the combatants are thrown around. Rocks crash down from the ceiling, sections of the floor collapse and poisonous volcanic gas vents into the chamber.
Martek proves his skill in battle and as a leader of men. The twin serpent priests ply their deadly trade but Sobol is kept out of much of the fight by Assamber’s magic eventually being hurled broken and bent into a handy pit. Morn sustains massive damage with Martek determined to remove him so he cannot interfere. It is not enough, the healing power of Morn and Azhanti combined keeps him alive and Martek on the back foot. As the Dragons Jaws open Assamber sends Martek hurtling into the back of the room with a mighty fist of ice while Azhanti leaps in. Pulling himself free Martek makes one last desperate dash for glory but is cruelly struck down by Morns Hammer. As the Jaws close Azhanti gives him the nod and the spike crashes down on Marteks skull ending his ambitions.
Alone in the darkness the smell of ozone and the feeling of being trapped is almost overwhelming. Azhanti finds himself the focus of a power far greater than his own. His worth and his mettle are tested, his every flaw exposed, examined and weighed in the balance. Through it all one things runs though his mind, "are you worthy.” The answer is always the same, “yes, I am ready.” Sensing amusement at his presumption he is expelled by the Dragon and bathed in lightning. Fulmenus accepts him despite or perhaps because of his audacity.
Returning to the surface they are hailed as heroes, Azhanti has been accepted by the Breath of the Dragon and Morn and Assamber are considered honorary Dragonblood, they have felt the touch of Fulmenus.
After the difficult meeting with the rebellion leaders Artemis heads off into the City fuming (the player missed the session). Azhanti receives an urgent message from the Temple, the Warlord Najentus has invested the Temple with his troops and is trying to supplant the Voice of the Dragon, Azhanti’s old mentor.
Fearing the consequences the group gathers at the Temple of Mael and prepares to go to Nihlils aid. Assamber has recently mastered a new ritual, the Linked Portal and Azhanti provides him with the design for the Temple of Vulcan. After a day of furious scribbling and redrawing the circle is ready. A great coiled dragon covered in runes is outlined on the floor of the Temple. Invoking his powers the dragon animates and swallows the group teleporting them many miles to the west, into the volcanic caves of Vulcan’s temple.
Immediately the alarm is raised. No human has ever set foot in the sacred precincts before but Azhanti bullies the lesser priests into accepting their presence. He is brought before Nihlil in the heart of the temple where he rests beneath a great statue of their God. The two renew bonds of an old friendship while Martek, pawn of Najentus watches with hateful intent. The unpleasant spell of burning acid wafts down from his two hooded companions.
The next day the Temple Priests gather at the great gates to the underways. Those who seek the position of Voice must first receive the blessing of Fulmenus, progenitor of the Clan. He lies coiled deep below the volcano and the aspirants must reach him and stand within his jaws. The worthy will be blessed with his breath, the unworthy will be eaten. At the gates there is much posturing between Azhanti and Martek who reveals his companions as Seeping Poison Dragonborn, a clan long thought lost. Morn puts his imposing bulk to good use and stares down the normally steadfast Martek.
As the gates open both groups head in, each seeking to be the first to reach the Chamber of the Dragon. All competitors are fair game until such time as his jaws open to accept those who seek the position of the Voice. Our three heroes make their way through the lave caves quickly and quietly. Assamber puts his magic to good use conjuring a glowing map of their travels to avoid getting lost in the twisting passages and the group make good time reaching the crumbling chamber well ahead of the competition.
The Dragon is enormous even with only its head visible. The Chambers shudders with the sound of its heartbeat and the breath from its nostrils sets a wind in the tunnels strong enough to bowl over a strong man. The group decide on subterfuge putting the Hat of Disguise to good use. Azhanti disguises himself as Assamber who takes up a position well in cover. As Martek and his servants arrive they fool them into believing that Azhanti has fallen. Seeking to brush them aside Martek makes his way to the Dragon when they spring their ambush. The fight is fast and furious. As they battle the dragons breath grows quicker and more deadly. The chamber shakes with his awakening and all of the combatants are thrown around. Rocks crash down from the ceiling, sections of the floor collapse and poisonous volcanic gas vents into the chamber.
Martek proves his skill in battle and as a leader of men. The twin serpent priests ply their deadly trade but Sobol is kept out of much of the fight by Assamber’s magic eventually being hurled broken and bent into a handy pit. Morn sustains massive damage with Martek determined to remove him so he cannot interfere. It is not enough, the healing power of Morn and Azhanti combined keeps him alive and Martek on the back foot. As the Dragons Jaws open Assamber sends Martek hurtling into the back of the room with a mighty fist of ice while Azhanti leaps in. Pulling himself free Martek makes one last desperate dash for glory but is cruelly struck down by Morns Hammer. As the Jaws close Azhanti gives him the nod and the spike crashes down on Marteks skull ending his ambitions.
Alone in the darkness the smell of ozone and the feeling of being trapped is almost overwhelming. Azhanti finds himself the focus of a power far greater than his own. His worth and his mettle are tested, his every flaw exposed, examined and weighed in the balance. Through it all one things runs though his mind, "are you worthy.” The answer is always the same, “yes, I am ready.” Sensing amusement at his presumption he is expelled by the Dragon and bathed in lightning. Fulmenus accepts him despite or perhaps because of his audacity.
Returning to the surface they are hailed as heroes, Azhanti has been accepted by the Breath of the Dragon and Morn and Assamber are considered honorary Dragonblood, they have felt the touch of Fulmenus.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Session 9: The Long Road Home

In the City of Kings the loose alliance of men, Tieflings and Kireshi hangs in the balance. Tempers have flared and much remains uncertain. Now however a new threat thrusts itself to the fore. Nihlil, aging Prophet of Vulcan is dying and the Warlord Najentus, allied to the Cabal, seeks to usurp his position.
If the pawn of Najentus dons the Mantle of the Prophet then the Warlord will achieve total control of the Clan. Fearing what that would entail Azhanti prepares to return to the Temple, his home for much of his life, to stand in the Sacred Circle and seek the Mantle for himself.
Three trials await anyone seeking the Mantle. First they must receive the Breath of the Dragon, the Blessing of Fulmenus. Second they must face their challengers in the Circle of Steel before fnally confronting their own demons on the Path of Lightning.
Azhanti does not return home alone, Morn and Assamber are with him but it remains to be seen how the isolationist Dragonborn will react to strangers in their midst.
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