Monday, 8 September 2008

Session 4: AP Part 1

We played again last night, our fourth session of the game so far. Last time the group struck a blow for freedom, justice and mercenary greed taking out a senior member of the ruling cabal in exchange for large amounts of shiny shiny gold.

The Cabal responded and unleashed their Iron Golems against the City.

The next few days are tense, few people dare the streets and the mood is subdued. Our group of heroes takes some much needed rest and gets a chance to pursue some issues they have left hanging so far.

Assamber and Artemis both separately visit The Grub. Assamber concludes an agreement to use the Seawatch Tower and begins making plans to open his new Temple to Mael, God of the Sea. Artemis tries to buy back Kyia, the Tiefling Noble he sold to him in the first place but the price is too high. Morn heads back to the home of his former master trying to find out just who he has been speaking to within the Rebellion but without success.

Azhanti takes a trip back to his Temple to talk to his old mentor. He learns that Najentus, Warlord of the Clan, plans to raise the Legion and accept a new contract. The Cabal is about to hire them as their new security force! Further discussion is illuminating as Azhanti reveals some of his dreams for the future, a future ruled by the Dragonborn. His old mentor Nihlil is despairing and sends him back to help the Rebellion, hoping perhaps that time with the humans will soften his dreams of racial supremacy. Before he heads back he spends some time politicking, the old man is near the end of his life and Azhanti plans on being the Clans next religious leader.

Having moved into the Seawatch Tower the group finally have the big talk. Three of them worship different gods and their religions have little in common. There is much discussion and argument about why they are here and what they want. Morn is furious that Kyia is chained by The Grub and then Artemis drops his bombshell, admitting that it was he who sold out Kyias location (Azhanti wisely keeps quiet as he also sold her out). Much confusion results and after some shouting Morn lays down the law, if Kyia is not free from The Grub within a month he will kill Artemis in revenge. He swears it as an Oath to the Unfetttered God, an Oath no worshipper of his can break.

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